What Is Yield Farming Crypto? Beginners Overview
Just How Popular Is Yield Farming Crypto? Vince Wicker from the BEES.Social crypto community explains in simple terms what DeFi (decentralized finance) is, the purpose of liquidity pools and liquidity providers, automated market makers and smart contracts, and finally how yield farmers make money. To join our cryptocurrency learning community go to https://BEES.Social and sign up for daily cryptocurrency news and updates on the latest videos on BEESSocialTV Yield farming is a new way users are generating income with cryptocurrency that has become a major phenomenon that started in 2020. From its sudden explosion in the summertime of 2020, yield farming has grown in popularity bringing huge amounts of money into the DeFi ecosystem. Smart contract protocols are a big part of the technology with crypto. DeFi Yield Farming Crypto in 2021 For more videos about DeFi Yield Farming and yield farming strategies watch this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT3ArNsa9k19UeQ5RLppkh...